Stop Asking "Why?"

When it comes to dating and relationships, “Why” questions pop up like clockwork:

  • “Why didn’t they message me back?”

  • “Why didn’t they ask me out?”

  • “Why did they say that?”

  • “Why didn’t they say this instead?”

It’s human nature to want to know. The catch is we’re often left speculating in a mental loop that rarely brings clarity. Even if you ask the person directly, they might not know the answer themselves or they might choose not to reveal it. And that’s their right. Sometimes, silence is an answer.

Instead of getting stuck in the “Why,” try shifting your focus to “What” and “How.” These questions turn your attention inward, where you have influence and control:

  • “What do I want in this situation?”

  • “What are my options moving forward?”

  • “How can I respond in a way that feels right for me?”

By asking empowering questions, you can break free from overthinking and redirect your energy toward action. For example, instead of asking “Why didn’t they message me back?” consider asking yourself, “What can I do instead of waiting for a message?”

This subtle shift not only feels healthier but also builds momentum in your journey toward relationships that align with your values and desires. So, the next time a “Why” pops into your head, pause and ask yourself a better question — one that opens doors instead of trapping you in uncertainty.

My Challenge to You

Over the next week, pay attention to how often you ask “Why” questions about dating or relationships. Each time you catch yourself, pause and reframe the question into a “What” or “How” that focuses on your goals and choices.

Write your reframed question down and notice what happens when you approach the situation with curiosity and action instead of frustration and speculation.

Let me know how it goes — I’d love to hear what you discover! Email me at


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